Warehouse System
Heart of the corporate operation is a Complete Warehouse System that integrates and connects all the operating departments of the company. The financial management and the accounting department, the commercial department, the warehouse, the customer service and the suppliers – all the works are automated and controlled through the ERP (Enterprise resource planning) system of the company.
The flow of information and products is valid, timely and creates value for everyone.
The ERP system determines the day-to-day business processes, reduces the complexity of operations, optimizes the cost-performance ratio and helps us manage the resources of our suppliers and customers in the best way.

delivers quality on the shelf,
guaranteed, every day.
Telematics System
Utilizing a modern telematics system, we monitor every truck and manage all work, such as road safety and navigation, fuel and, most importantly, automatic electronic temperature recording, inside the booths throughout the 24-hour period, route and delivery. Thus, we can certify the observance of the refrigeration cycle and guarantee the preservation and integrity of the original value of the products.
Our mission is to connect the creation of goods with the points of sale and the final consumer – modern, reliable and simple.

Let's communicate!
You have every reason to ask for the best service, maximum security and reliable handling of your goods. In the company GERAKIS LOGISTICS we have every supply, to design together a beneficial cooperation, which will include top food products and will maximize the performance of your supply chain.